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The final version of the SCEI Recommendations is now available!

The INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI) is pleased to introduce the final version of the Recommendations to the INTOSAI Governing Board.

The document was created as the outcome of the SCEI Expert Group on the "Strategic role of SAIs in addressing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic".

In June 2020, the SCEI Expert Group started its series of webinars on various topics. The expert discussions during the webinars served as the base for the Recommendations. You can find more information on the webinars and their outcomes on the new website of the INTOSAI Chairmanship of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

We would like to thank all SCEI Expert Group members for their collaborative work and hope that these recommendations, which summarize the experiences of different INTOSAI bodies, will add value to the whole INTOSAI community.

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