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SCEI webinars on the INTOSAI report "Navigating Global Trends"

Invitation from the INTOSAI Chair to SCEI webinars on the INTOSAI report "Navigating Global Trends", 18 and 19 March, 2025

How global megatrends will shape the work of SAIs: The Global Trends Report identifies seven megatrends that will shape our world over the next 15 years. To deepen the discussion and understanding of these trends, INTOSAI is hosting two webinars on 18 March (14:00 pm GMT) and 19 March (04:30 am GMT).

A strategic approach to future challenges: The report  "Navigating Global Trends: Future Implications for Supreme Audit Institutions", adopted by the INTOSAI Governing Board in October 2024, introduces a forward-looking approach for SAIs. By integrating foresight methodologies into audit and planning processes, SAIs can anticipate future challenges and move from reactive audits to a more strategic, preventive approach.

Drawing together insights from foresight reports and contributions from the INTOSAI community, this report outlines seven global megatrends that are expected to reshape societies and governments: erosion of trust in institutions, economic challenges, digital transformation, climate change, demographic shifts, global migration, and rising inequalities. Each trend is analysed in terms of key facts, uncertainties, and implications for governments, societies, and SAIs.

Please see the letter of invitation to the webinars from the President of the TCU Brazil, Chair of INTOSAI, Minister VITAL DO RÊGO.

Join the discussion: To encourage dialogue and collaboration, INTOSAI invites all INTOSAI members to participate in one of the two webinars on 18 March (14:00 pm GMT) and 19 March (4:30 am GMT), 2025. 

These webinars will provide a platform to:

  • Explore the findings of the Global Trends Report
  • Share insights with peers
  • Discuss the implications of these trends for the future of audit and governance

Your SAI's active participation will help shape a collective response to the emerging challenges and opportunities.

We particularly encourage professionals and departments responsible for strategic planning and audit planning within SAIs to join and share the results and products developed by the SCEI (Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues). If your SAI has experience with foresight methodologies, we invite you to share relevant products, reports or news. The SCEI aims to build a database of case studies of INTOSAI members' foresight initiatives.

Join the dialogue and help shape the future of public auditing!

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