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Special session of the United Nations General Assembly against corruption (2-4 June 2021)

Side Event — Organized by the SAI of the United Arab Emirates

On 2 June 2021, the Supreme Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates will organize a Side Event on the “Imperative role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Prevention and Fight against Corruption in modern times”.

A panel of 6-7 representatives will discuss the imperative role of SAIs in the prevention of and fight against corruption in modern times. The topic will be addressed from the following angles:

  • Lessons learned and experiences from SAIs that have a supporting mandate in their laws regarding the prevention of and the fight against corruption.
  • Lessons learned and experiences: The role of technology from which SAIs can benefit in the prevention of and the fight against corruption.
  • Lessons learned and experiences from the collaboration between SAIs and ACAs.
  • Lessons learned and experiences carried forward to the future.

Agenda and link to attend the virtual session

For any question please contact:


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