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21-22 April 2021 – the First International Scientific and Practical Conference

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is pleased to invite the INTOSAI Community to the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of the INTOSAI Chair, which will be held online on 21‑22 April, 2021.

Please save the date!

The initiative of holding the Conference was discussed and approved at the 74th INTOSAI Governing Board.

The Conference is a discussion forum for the international auditing and expert community, business and civil society that is aimed at finding effective solutions to the most pressing problems of the day after the adoption of the Moscow Declaration.

Dates: 21‑22 April 2021
Time: 12 p.m. UTC
Platform: Zoom

The Conference is open for all levels of participants after completing the registration form (link to the registration).

For more details please see the official page of the event.

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