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68th ARABOSAI Governing Board Meeting

Thursday, November 27–28, 2024, in Riyadh

The meeting was chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Court of Audit, and witnessed the participation of distinguished heads of supreme audit institutions from the board member countries.

During the two-day meeting, several key topics were discussed, including:

  1. Reports from the Chair of the Governing Board and General Secretariat: Covering the activities of the organization.
  2. Approval of the 2023 Final Accounts and 2025 Budget: Ensuring transparency and effective financial planning.
  3. Committee Reports: Discussions included reports from key ARABOSAI committees such as:
    • The Capacity Building Committee, chaired by the GCA.
    • The Professional and Audit Standards Committee.
    • The Committee for Oversight of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • The Strategic Plan Follow-Up Committee.

The meeting concluded with the adoption of decisions and recommendations aimed at enhancing the quality, efficiency, and collaboration among member institutions.

Key Highlight:

One of the most significant outcomes was the approval of GCA’s initiative to implement and host the ARABOSAI Certified Auditor (ACA) Fellowship Program. This program aims to:

  • Develop the skills and capabilities of audit professionals in the Arab region.
  • Enhance the overall performance of member institutions.
  • Position the GCA as a leader in audit innovation on an Arab, regional, and global scale, aligning with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 objectives.

The ACA program is groundbreaking in its scope, serving as a cornerstone for professional development in the Arab audit community.

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