International Journal of Government Auditing

As the official publication of INTOSAI, the International Journal of Government Auditing (IJGA), is established as a separate legal entity that supports cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement of communication among SAIs and the broader audit community.

The IJGA is published in the five INTOSAI official working languages by the SAI of the United States of America.

International Journal of Government Auditing (IJGA)
Government Accountability Office
Room 7814
441 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.20548
United States of America

  +1 202 5124707

  +1 202 5124021


(pdf download)
2024Q1 2024 – The Unique Challenges and Resiliency of Small Islands
Q2 2024 – Supreme Audit Institutions with Jurisdictional Powers
Q3 2024 – Implementing Recommendations and Audit Follow Up
Q4 2024 – Climate Change Adaptation and Audits: International Initiatives and Innovative Approaches
2023Q1 2023 – INCOSAI XXIV (pdf-version)
Q2 2023 – Science and Technology in Audit (pdf-version)
Q3 2023 – Audit Methodologies for Impact (pdf-version)
2022Winter   |   Spring & Summer
2021Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2020Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2019Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn  (XXIII INCOSAI)
2018Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2017Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2016Winter   |   Spring   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2015January   |   April   |   Summer   |   Autumn
2014January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2013January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2012January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2011January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2010January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2009January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2008January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2007January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2006January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2005January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2004January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2003January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2002January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2001January   |   April   |   July   |   October
2000January   |   April   |   July   |   October
1999January   |   April   |   July   |   October