Governing Board

  • to take in the time between Congresses all measures deemed by it necessary to attain INTOSAI’s aims, including, in particular, performance of the tasks assigned to the Governing Board by the Congress. All decisions and resolutions presented to Congress have to be presented to Governing Board first.
  • to revise and approve the INTOSAI Statutes and the INTOSAI Strategic Plan prior to endorsement by the Congress; and monitor the implementation of strategic plan;
  • to approve the Terms of Reference, and leadership of the INTOSAI Goal Committees;
  • to determine whether the qualifications of the Supreme Audit Institutions or institutions (in case of application for Associate Membership or Affiliate Membership) wishing to join INTOSAI meet admission requirements and to decide on their admission;
  • to recognize Regional Organizations;
  • to establish committees and appoint their chairs;
  • to approve the triennial budget, including any recommendations for the adjustment of membership dues;
  • to approve the annual budgets, also in consideration of the implementation of the Strategic Plan of INTOSAI;
  • to approve the necessary steps in case of an accumulated surplus as established in the INTOSAI Financial Regulations and Rules;
  • to review and approve the annual report of the General Secretariat described in Article 6, paragraph 2 (f) and to submit it together with its own comments to the Congress for endorsement;
  • to recommend the Supreme Audit Institutions responsible for hosting the International Journal of Government Auditing and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) for six-year renewable terms to the Congress.


1ChairmanVital do RêgoBrazil
2First Vice-ChairmanMohamed El-Faisal YoussefEgypt
3Second Vice-ChairmanHussam bin Abdulmohsen AlangariSaudi Arabia
4Secretary GeneralMargit KrakerAustria
5MemberMohamed Fouad NacirAlgeria
6MemberTony MurphyEuropean Court of Auditors
7MemberDeodat SharmaGuyana
8MemberK. Sanjay MurthyIndia
9Member Japan
10MemberDavid Rogelio Colmenares PáramoMexico
11MemberJunias Etuna KandjekeNamibia
12MemberKarl Eirik Schjøtt-PedersenNorway
13MemberCésar Aguilar SurichaquiPeru
14MemberMarian BanaśPoland
15MemberFilipa Urbano CalvãoPortugal
16MemberAbdulaziz Mohamed Al EmadiQatar
17MemberBoris KovalchukRussian Federation
18MemberFuimaono Camillo AfeleSamoa
19MemberTsakani MalulekeSouth Africa
20MemberMonthien CharoenpolThailand
21MemberHumaid Obaid Khalifa Obaid AbushibsUnited Arab Emirates
22MemberGene L. DodaroUnited States of America

The Governing Board meets annually to provide strategic leadership, stewardship, and continuity between Congresses.

The minutes of the Governing Board meetings are published in the INTOSAI Circulars which may be found under "Documents - Circulars" (password protected).

For further information about Governing Board Meetings, please click here.