INTOSAI Goal Committees

The task of Goal Committees is to lead the INTOSAI’s efforts under their respective goals and thereby assist the Governing Board in implementing INTOSAI’s goals and objectives. The Goal Committees’ work priorities are defined in detail by the INTOSAI Strategic Plan.

The following four main Goal Committees are set up:

The INTOSAI Strategic Plan as approved by INCOSAI XVIII includes the creation of a Professional Standards Committee (PSC). The purpose of the PSC is to promote strong, independent and multidisciplinary SAIs by encouraging SAIs to lead by example and contributing to the development and adoption of appropriate and effective professional standards.

At present time the PSC consists of the Steering Committee and Subcommittees.

The Subcommittees work independently over an extended period of time, in accordance with the approved work plan.

The PSC is based on an open and voluntary membership that constitutes a pool of resources to carry out existing and future tasks.

 PSC — Website

Chair | European Court of Auditors

Helga Berger
Member of the European Court of Auditors
European Court of Auditors (ECA)

 +352 4398-45169

PSC Secretariat — Staff

 Steering Committee and Subcommmittees

According to the Strategic Plan of INTOSAI, Goal 2, the main task of the Capacity Building Committee (CBC) is to develop the capabilities and professional capacities of SAIs through training, technical assistance and other development activities.

At present the CBC consists of the Steering Committee, its Subcommittees and Work Streams, its Task Force and the Regional Forum for Capacity Development.

The CBC Working Bodies are to carry out and implement the CBC work plan.

The CBC is based on open and voluntary membership and constitutes a pool of resources to carry out the different tasks undertaken by the Subcommittees, Work Streams, the Task Force and the Regional Forum for Capacity Development.

  CBC — Website

Chair | South Africa

Tsakani Maluleke
Auditor-General of South Africa
South Africa

  +27 12 4268000
  +27 12 4268256

CBC Secretariat — Staff

  Steering Committee, Subcommittees, Task Force and Workstreams

The Committee on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services is the KSC's superior body. It is based on an open membership that constitutes a pool of resources to carry out existing and future tasks undertaken by its Working Groups. The Committee meets every three years in the framework of INCOSAI.

The KSC consists of the Steering Committee and its Working Groups.

 KSC — Website

Chair | India

K. Sanjay Murthy
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General

 +91 11 23509600
 +91 11 23237750
 +91 11 23234014

KSC Secretariat – Staff

 Steering Committee and Working Groups

The Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) advises the INTOSAI Governing Board.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Cooperate with the General Secretariat in financial planning;
  • Supervise and control the execution of the budget;
  • Recommend to the Governing Board, for adoption, the dues for Associate Members;
  • Recommend to the Governing Board, for adoption, the dues for Affiliate Members;
  • Recommend to the Governing Board, for adoption, adjustments of dues of Full Members;
  • Report to the Governing Board and to the Congress, if so requested.

The PFAC is chaired by the Second Vice-Chair of the Governing Board, and includes the following members: the Chair and the First Vice-Chair of the Governing Board, the Chairs of Goals 1, 2 and 3, the Secretary General, the immediate past Chair of the Governing Board, the Chair of IDI and the head of the SAI responsible for the International Journal of Government Auditing.


Chair | Saudi Arabia

Dr. Hussam Alangari
President of the General Court of Audit
General Court of Audit
Saudi Arabia

 +966 1 14056770
 +966 1 14032057

United States of America — International Journal of Government Auditing
Brazil — Chair of the INTOSAI Governing Board
Egypt — 1st Vice-Chair of the INTOSAI Governing Board
European Court of Auditors — Chair of Goal Committee 1
South Africa — Chair of Goal Committee 2
India — Chair of Goal Committee 3
Austria — INTOSAI Secretary General
Russian Federation — past Chair of the INTOSAI Governing Board
Norway — IDI


 IDSC — INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee

 TFIC — Task Force INTOSAI Communication

The 68th meeting of INTOSAI's Governing Board, held in Abu Dhabi, in December 2016, decided to establish the forum as an INTOSAI permanent body, called the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP).

The initial task of FIPP is to consider and propose how to develop the ISSAI framework further by

  • providing clearer distinction between auditing standards, other standards (requirements), guidelines, best practice documents, etc. covering both auditing, ethics, independence and capacity development, and
  • providing clearer directions on the format and quality requirements for each of these different categories of documents as established by the common forum.

The Governing Board and Congress approved the proposal for a revision of the ISSAI Framework.

The composition of the forum intends to mirror, as much as possible, the membership of INTOSAI in respect to regional representation, SAI models, audit types and audit/capacity developing expertise.

FIPP Members
SAI Norway Aase Kristin Hemsen (Chair) 
SAI BahrainMahmood H. Mahmood (Vice-Chair)
AFROSAI-E SecretariatJosephine Mukomba
European Court of AuditorsGerhard Ross
INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI)Archana Prabhakar Shirsat
SAI AustraliaJane Meade
SAI AzerbaijanHilal Huseynov
SAI BrazilTiago Costa
SAI BulgariaToma Donchev
SAI IndiaMonica Rajamanohar
SAI KenyaJared Nyasani
SAI NepalChandra Bhandari
SAI TanzaniaFaizy Mansoury
SAI TunisiaAicha Ben Belhassen
