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The UN/INTOSAI symposia provide capacity building for SAIs (Goal 2 of the INTOSAI Strategic Plan). Through the exchange of subject-specific experiences and information in all relevant fields of public sector auditing the UN/INTOSAI symposia contribute to research and methodology development in these areas.

They have been held in Vienna since 1971 – normally in biennial intervals – jointly sponsored with the United Nations, and provide training for participants from SAIs in developing and transition countries.

The UN/INTOSAI symposia are organised by the General Secretariat. The technical programme is designed by the General Secretariat in cooperation with the United Nations.

At the interregional level 25 seminars|symposia on government auditing were organized under the auspices of the United Nations.

The 26th UN/INTOSAI Symposium 2024 took place in Vienna, Austria, from 16 to 18 April 2024.

« Implementation of SDG 13 on climate action: role, contribution and experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) »

For further information please contact the General Secretariat of INTOSAI: office(AT)

26th Symposium
Implementation of SDG 13 on climate action: role, contribution and experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)Report
Conclusions and Recommendations
25th Symposium
Working during and after the pandemic: building on the experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) for strengthening effective institutions and achieving sustainable societiesReport

24th Symposium

Digitalization, open data and data mining: relevance and implications for SAIs' audit work and for enhancing their contributions to the follow-up and review of the SDGsConclusions and Recommendations

23rd Symposium

UN Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Role of SAIs and Means of Implementation for Sustainable DevelopmentReport | Attachment


22nd Symposium

Audit and Advisory Activities by SAIs: Opportunities and Risks, as well as Possibilities for Engaging CitizensReport | Attachment

21st Symposium

Effective practices of cooperation between SAIs and citizens to enhance public accountabilityReport | Attachment

20th Symposium

INTOSAI: Active partner in the international anti-corruption network; Ensuring transparency to promote social security and poverty reductionReport | Attachment

19th Symposium

The Value and Benefits of Government Audit in a Globalised EnvironmentReport | Attachment

18th Seminar

The Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Audit of e-government: A Strategy for Efficiency, Transparency and AccountabilityReport

17th Seminar

The Independence of Supreme Audit InstitutionsReport

16th Seminar

The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Auditing the Utilization of Funds in the Field of EducationReport

15th Seminar

The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Audit of AgricultureReport

14th Seminar

The Audit of Public Health-Care Systems by Supreme Audit InstitutionsReport

13th Seminar

The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Auditing Public WorksReport

12th Seminar

The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Fighting Corruption and MismanagementReport

11th Seminar

The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Restructuring of the Public SectorReport

10th Seminar

EDP Auditing - Sharing Experiences, Opportunities and ChallengesReport

9th Seminar

Accounting and Auditing of Foreign Aid Programmes and EDP AuditReport

8th Seminar

Application of Standards in Public Sector Auditing 

7th Seminar

Audit of Major Development Projects 

6th Seminar

Public Auditing and Internal Management Control Systems in Developing Countries 

5th Seminar

Concepts of audit, Audit of tax receipts, Audit of Government Financial Institutions for development and audit of performance in public enterprises

4th Seminar

Principles of audit, Organisation audit, Performance audit and State audit of public enterprises 

3rd Seminar

Public budgeting and accounting, the position of Supreme Audit Institutions in the modern state, audit of public enterprises 

2nd Seminar
Part A: 06–18/05/1973
Part B: 03–14/05/1971

Techniques and methods used by Supreme Audit Institutions with a view to improving financial and performance auditing 

1st Seminar

General principles, methods and goals of government audit and related institutional problems