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24/09 — 27/09/2019

Organizer: INTOSAI

Place: Moscow, Russian Federation

The SAI of the Russian Federation is host of the next INTOSAI Congress (XXIII INCOSAI). XXIII INCOSAI take place in Moscow from September 25-27, 2019.


Congress Theme I
Information technologies for the development of the public administration

Sub-theme I.1
Digital data application for public administration development

Sub-theme I.2
The place and the role of big data in the activity of Supreme Audit Institutions

Discussion paper on Theme I

Congress Theme II
The role of the Supreme Audit Institutions in the achievement of the national priorities and goals

Sub-theme I.1
Strategic Audit: evaluation of goals, impacts and associated risks of governmental programs and policies

Sub-theme I.2
Foresight and analytics in SAI: environmental and social dimensions of Sustainable Development

Discussion paper on Theme II