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14th ASOSAI Assembly in Vietnam

From 19th to 22nd September 2018 the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) hosted the 14th ASOSAI Assembly and the 7th ASOSAI Symposium on "Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development" in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The 14th ASOSAI Assembly, which is held every three years, saw the largest number of participants ever with around 250 delegates from more than 40 countries as well as numerous observers (INTOSAI General Secretariat, AFROSAI, IDI, IJGA, GIZ, ACCA etc.).

The 14th ASOSAI Assembly marked also the 40th anniversary of the establishment and development of the ASOSAI charter.

The Hanoi-Declaration, the main outcome of the 14th ASOSAI Assembly emphasizes the importance of ASOSAI‘s interest, efforts and contributions towards the aim of achieving SDGs as well as global environmental challenges discussed at the 7th ASOSAI Symposium.

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