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1st Anniversary of INTOSAI Chairmanship

This month of September marks a significant date – the 1st anniversary since the INTOSAI community met in Moscow for the XXIII INCOSAI and adopted the Moscow Declaration.

In this regard we kindly invite you to watch a video address by INTOSAI Chair and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Mr. Alexei Kudrin.

When the Moscow Declaration was adopted in September 2019 it was impossible to predict all the changes the whole world would face in 2020. The "new normal" we all now experience proves to what extent the provisions of the Moscow Declaration turned out to be visionary and future-oriented. We believe the strategic perspective provided by this document is yet to be fully perceived and implemented in practice.

Now it is time to check what page we are on now and make sure we continue our way forward.

For that purpose, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has launched a survey on the 10 provisions of the Moscow Declaration.

The results will be aggregated and presented as a summary that will be shared with the whole INTOSAI community to bring light on the current status of the implementation and the relevance of the provisions of the Moscow Declaration.

In order to enable more SAIs to give their valuable inputs so as to leave no one behind, we have extended the timeframe of the Marathon.

We kindly ask you to provide your answers by 10 October 2020. Please take note that only one reply per SAI is possible.

Please use the link to participate in the survey:

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