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Accounts Chamber is Ready for XXIII INCOSAI

The Accounts Chamber is ready for the XXIII Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). This is the main conclusion made by the second Steering Committee of the XXIII Congress (INCOSAI), which has been held today in the Accounts Chamber.
“Soon, September 23 to September 28, Moscow will host the INCOSAI XXIII, a major international audit forum. It is held every three years in different countries. And now we can say that the Moscow INCOSAI is going to be one of the most representative INCOSAIs ever. More than 600 participants have registered to represent 168 countries, which is 85% of the INTOSAI size. We expect to welcome 127 chairs of supreme audit institutions, the UN, the World Bank and the IMF representatives. INCOSAI preparations have been our priority as soon as Russia was selected to be the next host country. A lot of work has been done, and I want to thank all my colleagues for their assistance. I am confident that the Congress will be held at the highest level,” Aleksei Kudrin, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, said at the meeting of the Steering Committee.
He reminded that the mandate of the INTOSAI Chair would be thereby granted to the Accounts Chamber: “The Chairman of the SAI of the United Arab Emirates is now the INTOSAI President, but the Moscow INCOSAI will entrust this mission on the Accounts Chamber of Russia. We will lead this international organization, draw up the agenda of the audit community, and contribute to the development of international standards and methodological documents pertaining to financial control and audit for three years. It is an honor and a great responsibility for us and I am confident that we will accomplish this mission properly.”

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