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How can the member SAIs of AFROSAI and EUROSAI contribute to the successful implementation of the SDGs?

This question was discussed by the participants of the EUROSAI-AFROSAI Seminar on "Sharing experiences about auditing for SDGs – A view from different Regions", which was organized by the Tribunal de Contas of Portugal on 22 and 23 November in Lisbon.

Around 140 representatives of INTOSAI’s Regional Organizations (AFROSAI, EUROSAI and OLACEFS), global bodies (General Secretariat, Chair, IDI) and external stakeholders (government of Portugal, European Commission, UNDP, GIZ) exchanged their experiences with regard to auditing the preparedness of national governments to implement the SDGs as well as auditing the implementation of concrete SDG targets.

The Secretary General of INTOSAI presented lessons learned from SDG audits within the INTOSAI community and initiatives of INTOSAI to support SAIs in their SDG-related work. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of the cooperation between INTOSAI’s Regional Organizations in this regard as well as the necessity for SAIs to integrate the SDGs in their daily work.


Regional Organizations

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