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SDP Joint Seminar in Copenhagen

In preparation of the INTOSAI Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2023–2025, which will serve to operationalize the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2023–2028 to be adopted at INCOSAI XXIV, the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) held a Joint Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 6 and 7 September 2022. The meeting brought together representatives of all INTOSAI Goal Committees, the INTOSAI Development Initiative and the INTOSAI General Secretariat and also provided for a virtual catch-up for those who could not participate in person. The discussions focused on central topics related to standard setting:

  • Enhancing the understandability, clarity and consistency of the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP)
  • Strengths and constraints of the INTOSAI standard-setting system
  • The purpose of the INTOSAI Founding and Core Principles (INTOSAI-Ps)
  • The purpose of the INTOSAI Standards (ISSAIs)
  • Creating clarity on classification principles and drafting conventions
  • Exploring strategic options for guidance material inside and outside the IFPP (please find INTOSAI’s quality assurance mechanisms for products placed inside and outside the IFPP here)
  • Harnessing technology to improve the presentation of INTOSAI's Professional Pronouncements

For more information and material on the review of the IFPP (Component I), please visit the website of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee. More detailed information about the current and future SDP can be found on the website of the FIPP.

The latter also features the detailed mechanism for developing INTOSAI's Professional Pronouncements, among others also the drafting conventions for GUIDs and application material within the ISSAIs. These conventions are to ensure the understandability and technical soundness of INTOSAI's pronouncements.

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