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Special publication on INTOSAI’s 70th anniversary

The festive anniversary events held in November 2023 on the special occasion of INTOSAI’s 70th anniversary and the 60th anniversary of the INTOSAI General Secretariat centre around global sustainable development.

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) as the guardians of public audit are in a unique key position worldwide to hold governments to account when it comes to safeguarding a liveable future for all. This special role of SAIs in promoting efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in public administration has been repeatedly recognized by the United Nations.

As we celebrate INTOSAI’s 70th anniversary, we are also halfway to implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals – the SDGs.

To mark the 70th anniversary of INTOSAI, the INTOSAI General Secretariat has published a special publication on “The Contributions of Supreme Audit Institutions to Global Sustainable Development”. Representatives of the INTOSAI leadership, the INTOSAI goal committees, bodies and Regional Organizations as well as INTOSAI’s stakeholders and partner organizations provided expert contributions to this commemorative publication.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the expert authors who have enriched our joint special publication with their valuable contributions.

We hope that you enjoy reading the INTOSAI special publication and find it inspiring!

INTOSAI LeadershipSustainability

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