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Successful conclusion of INCOSAI XXIV

With the adoption of the Rio Declaration, INCOSAI XXIV was successfully concluded on 11 November 2022. Overall, some 700 representatives of INTOSAI’s member SAIs as well as external stakeholders – such as the United Nations and other international organizations – gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 11 November.

The Rio Declaration reflects the results of the discussions on the two main themes of the Congress – “The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Emergency Situations” and “Global Voice, Global Outcome, Far-Reaching Impact”. It will guide the activities of INTOSAI and its member SAIs in the upcoming years.

Furthermore, the following fundamental decisions were taken during the Congress and the preceding 76th INTOSAI Governing Board meeting:

  • The INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2023–2028 was adopted.
  • The INTOSAI budget for the period of 2023–2025 was adopted.
  • The INTOSAI Statutes were amended.
  • The Handbook for INTOSAI Committees was amended.
  • The INTOSAI Performance and Accountability Report 2017–2022 was adopted.
  • The SAI of Egypt was nominated as the host of INCOSAI XXV in 2025.
  • The SAIs of Jamaica and Ecuador were nominated as INTOSAI’s auditors for the 2022–2024 financial statements.
  • The Terms of Reference of the Task Force INTOSAI Communication co-led by the INTOSAI General Secretariat and the SAI of Brazil were adopted.
  • The chairmanship of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee was transferred from the SAI of Brazil to the European Court of Auditors.

INCOSAI XXIV also endorsed several INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (standards and GUIDs), which are presented in a separate news item.

The following SAIs were (re-)appointed as new members of the Governing Board:

  • the SAI Egypt – in its capacity as host of the next INCOSAI – as first Vice-Chair of the Governing Board;
  • the European Court of Auditors as Chair of Goal Committee 1 (Professional Standards);
  • the SAI Qatar as representative of ARABOSAI until 2028;
  • the SAI Guyana as representative of CAROSAI until 2028;
  • the SAI Mexico as representative of OLACEFS until 2028;
  • the SAI Peru as representative of OLACEFS until 2028; and
  • the SAI Samoa as representative of PASAI until 2028.

With the Congress, the SAI Brazil furthermore assumed the chair of INTOSAI for the next three years.

In addition to the General Plenary Sessions and the group discussions on the Congress themes indicated above, the Congress featured numerous side events, such as two meetings of the IDI Board and a first meeting of the Task Force INTOSAI Communication. Moreover, the “Academic Forum on Government Auditing” was held in parallel to the Congress.

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