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INTOSAI's contribution to the World Justice Forum in The Hague

On 2 June 2022, in the framework of the World Justice Forum in The Hague, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) organized an event on the topic "Challenges and Trends for Accountability Institutions".

The World Justice Forum is the most important international event for the rule of law. The 2022 forum saw several hundred leading representatives from business and politics, civil society and research. The panel discussion organized by the IDI explored the key topics of democratic backsliding, inter-institutional coordination and the constitutionalism of accountability mechanisms.  

As the representative of the INTOSAI General Secretariat, Silke Steiner outlined the important role that SAIs play by safeguarding transparency and accountability to guarantee the rule of law. Subsequently, she presented INTOSAI’s initiatives to promote the independence of SAIs and support their contribution to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Ewout Irrgang, Board Member of the SAI of the Netherlands, then examined the tasks, current trends and challenges that SAIs have to face at the national level. Jorum Duri, Horizontal Accountability Specialist at Transparency International, presented the support provided by Transparency International to institutions that safeguard accountability and specified the "Strengthening Accountability Networks Among Civil Society" project. Tim Steele, Senior Advisor at UNODC, gave insight on the cooperation between SAIs and anti-corruption authorities. The event was facilitated by Freddy Ndjemba, Senior Manager at IDI.

Furthermore, another event staged last week was dedicated to the independence of SAIs: the Right Honourable Helen Clark, who had recently been appointed as "Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence" by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation, participated in a panel discussion on the occasion of the publication of the "Open Budget Survey" by the International Budget Partnership.

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