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Request for comments on the Exposure Draft of the Compliance Audit iCAT - Version 0

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) has developed a new Compliance Audit iCAT (Exposure draft -Version 0). The iCAT is a tool for mapping an SAI’s compliance audit practice against the compliance audit methodology based on the ISSAI 4000.

We request feedback and comments from our stakeholders on the iCAT. Please send your comments by 31 July 2019 to

We will soon make available the translated version of this exposure draft in other INTOSAI languages.

The IDI has been supporting the SAIs to implement the ISSAIs since 2012.To assist the SAIs in moving towards ISSAI compliant audit practices, the IDI develops and maintains the Global Public Goods (GPGs) for financial, performance and compliance audits. The GPGs are - the ISSAI implementation handbooks, ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tools (iCATs) and guidance, and the Quality Assurance (QA) tools and guidance for the three types of audits.

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