Preparation of strategic foresight on emerging issues in support of SAIs' work
The Expert Group of the Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI), chaired by the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), held a working meeting at the INTOSAI General Secretariat in Vienna in July. The aim of the productive exchange was to elaborate the draft of the Global Trends Report on Emerging Issues commissioned by the SCEI and to be adopted by the Governing Board in in October 2024. The Expert Group is composed of dedicated representatives from the SAIs of Brazil, Egypt, UK and USA as well as the European Court of Auditors, IDI and the INTOSAI General Secretariat.
The SCEI identifies and addresses emerging trends and challenges that have the potential to affect societies and governments, and assesses their implications for the entire INTOSAI community. By focusing on emerging issues, it leads exchange and action on strategic foresight, monitoring global trends and future developments to provide valuable insights to help SAIs anticipate significant changes in the political, economic, social and technological environment. The aim is not to predict the future with precision, but to visualize possible scenarios and plan proactive actions through strategic thinking exercises.
The SCEI currently coordinates the development of a Global Trends Report based on valuable insights from all INTOSAI committees, subcommittees and regional organizations, as well as external partners. This report will be presented to the INTOSAI Governing Board, allowing for in-depth reflection on new foresight approaches and providing valuable input to INTOSAI's strategic planning. It will also allow for considerations on how to best support SAIs, especially those with limited resources, to undertake foresight initiatives independently.
Please find in this context also the July letter of Minister Bruno Dantas, Chair of INTOSAI, in which he addresses the strategic importance of foresight: Letter from the Chair of INTOSAI – July 2024
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